Orginal voice

Mother looks after us this is love.


A lady was very ill.

Maheshji says: She feels much better now. So there is an improvement in the outlook, she was scared.

So when you have given counselling she was following the advice and this is all due to that.

Our confidence, courage and proper thinking have an affect on the metabolic system of the body.

You see this is most important, this is medicine. But doctors do not think about it. They say, this is a very serious case and they don’t do this with heart and confidence.


Maheshji says I am very happy to hear this.

She should keep her moral. Moral will help her and she has left a lot behind. In her personal live she had so many problems.

She is a blessed child. She is a blessed child because in connection with Mother Godes we are children. We are children before Mother Godes this should be our thinking.

A child has no sense, no intellect. Mother looks after us this is love, you should know this. You are always a child before Mother Godes.

Never think I am not blessed, I am this and that, nothing like that.

I am a child.

We should love.

I won’t say anything more but it requires only one thing have confidence.


Maheshji asks: Are you recording? Put it in Website. These are very nice thoughts. Imagine the mission of Divine Mother.

You should always have in mind that “Divine Mother” looks after you and that “She” observes all your preparations.

The basic thought is that you should have innocent love. Only a child has this innocent love and nobody else. So you should try to become child before God.

Innocent love is real love and has tremendous power.

This maturity and intellect is nothing.